What are Trendiy's opening hours?
Trendiy is open Monday to Friday from 08:30 am to 5:00 pm.
Where can I find your store locations and directions?
Visiting address: Trendiy
- Ampèrestraat 11
- 8071 PH Nunspeet
- Netherlands
- Tel.: +31(0)341-277888
Postal address: Trendiy
- PO Box 358
- 8070 AJ Nunspeet
- Netherlands
- Tel.: +31(0)341-277888
- CoC: 08208145
- VAT: NL821358480B01
What job vacancies do you have?
For a list of the current vacancies, click here.
I would like to apply for an internship at Trendiy. What job vacancies do you have?
Would you like to intern at Trendiy? We are very pleased that we as internship company have caught your attention. For a list of the internship placements, click here.
I have another question or comment. How can I get in touch with Trendiy?
You can contact us through the contact form.